Saturday, March 14, 2009

Aspiring to Live Simply.....or shall I say simpler?

I love this t-shirt.  I bought it at Patagonia last summer (one of my most favorite stores) and it jumped out at me.  I am guilty of not living simply and I crave it.  I crave living with a mentality that "less is more".  Not only along the lines of possessions, but along the lines of busyness.  The message I am getting these days is "cease striving"....I really like the concept of giving stuff away and lightening our load.  I also like the concept of not trying to reach some level of standard that the world tells us we need to meet to be okay..... or that we need to set the bar higher in our life that takes us into a performance based mentality. I mean, yes, we should work really hard and have a passion and vigor towards our life, but not living a rat race life that prohibits "being in the moment".  "Traveling Light"....Growing up, I remember my Dad used to sigh as he would pick me up for one our family trips and I was doing the exact opposite of "Traveling Light".  I would pack a bag, sufficient for a month long stay, when in fact we were going for a week or two. We would cart my big old luggage bags into the car and onto the plane and I never used half of the items in the bag. Lately, I have been giving a significant amount of things away.  It feels so freeing and cleansing to get rid of things that you don't need.  This tee also reminds me that I need (and sort of want) to practice my guitar! So, a challenge to me and all of us......Live Simply or at least Simpler.